Personal Pronouns

Singular Plural
First N / Ne An / Anw
Second I / E Á / Aw
Third À / Ale Ǔ / Òlu

Here are the pronouns. To the left of each "/" are the normal pronouns and to the right of each "/" are the same pronouns but with more emphasis. For example N means "I" but Ne means "I specifically".

The pronouns in Bambara aren't gendered, so À and Ale mean "He", "She" and "It".

Note that À and Á are only differentiated by one tonal difference, so be careful.

  - À dɔ̀n. : She dances. (or "He dances." or "It dances.")

  - Onu sìgi. : They (specifically) sit.


  - There are others ways to add emphasis to a pronoun apart from the emphatic forms. You could instead add the words yɛrɛ (which means "very") and/or the word after the pronoun.

    - : another emphatic marker

    - y’à : contraction of ye à (explained later)

    - Ale yɛrɛ dě y’à fɔ. : She is the very one who said it.