Past Tense Transitive

  - The past transitive is the same as the present transitive, except you use ye/ma as the positive and negative auxillary markers.

    - Denmùso nin ye ji mǐn. : The daughter drank water./The daughter has drunk water.

    - Denmùso nin ma ji mǐn. : The daughter didn't drink water./The daughter hasn't drunk water.

  - Coïncidentally, this using ye for both present equatives and past auxillary lines up with French être: "Je suis vénu".

Likewise in antiquated English: "I am become death, destroyer of worlds" -- Krishna, Baghvadgita.

German likewise has "Ich bin bekommen". The difference though is that for Bambara, the ye is for all the past tense words, unlike how "être" and "sein" share space with "avoir" and "haben".