
  - In practice, the simple present tense is the same as the future tense, meaning if you want to communicate about the future, you can just use in the simple present tense and the context of the situation will make it clear you're talking about the future.

    - sini : tomorrow

    - À bɛ à kǒ sini. : He washes himself tomorrow. (He will wash himself tomorrow.)

  - However, you can also use the words bena / na to indicate the future. Just know that they're used less commonly than bɛ / te for future tense.

    - À bena à kǒ sini. : He will wash himeself tomorrow.

    - An na dɔ̀n. : We will dance.

  - For negatives, use tena:

    - À tena à kǒ sini. : He will not wash himeself tomorrow.

    - An tena dɔ̀n. : We will not dance.