This, these, that, those

  - There are a few ways to say "this":

    - (1) Add nin before or after the noun:

      - Nin cɛ̌ : This man

      - Cɛ̌ nin : This man (also means "the man")

    - (2) Add in after the noun:

      - Mùso in : This woman

    When pluralizing the noun and nin / in are after the noun, you can add a -w or a -nu :

      - Mùso ninw / inw / ninnu / innu : These women

  - The word Ǒ in Bambara specifically means "that" but for things you can't see:

    - Ǒ kàràmɔgɔ dɔ̀n. : That teacher dances.

    - Ǒ denw sìgi. : Those children sit.

  - You can also use Ǒ __ ǒ :

    - Ǒ kàràmɔgɔ ǒ dɔ̀n. : That teacher dances.

    - Ǒ denw ǒ sìgi. : Those children sit.

  - To speak of "those" in the general sense with no noun, use òlu (like "they"):

    - Òlu bɛ bɔ Mali. : Those come from Mali.

  - To add extra emphasis, use Ǒ __ nin :

    - Ǒ den nin : That child specifically

    - Ǒ den ninw / ninnu : Those children specifically