🐦‍⬛ Kaaa! Kaaa! 🐦‍⬛

  - After the last lesson, you might be getting confused with all the uses of the word ka. So far there has been:

    - ka: positive-is

      - Ǒ cɛ̌ ka kɔ̀rɔ. : That man is old.

    - ka: possessive marker

      - Cɛ̌ ka gafe ka kɔ̀rɔ. : The man's book is old.

    - : infinitive marker

      - kà dɔ̀n : to dance

    - ka: positive imperative marker

      - An ka sìgi . : We should sit.

    - k’à: contraction of ko and à

      - An k’à kana ji mǐn. : We say he must drink water.

  - A head-spinner:

    - Cɛ̀ ka gafe k’à ka ji mǐn. : The man's books says he must drink water.

   Quoth the Raven "Never more!". You need not worry of any more uses of ka.