- All nouns by default are indefinite, so kàràmɔgɔ can be read as "a teacher" really.
- There are two ways to make a definite article. Either
- (a) make the last vowel lowered:
- cɛ̀ : the man
- mùsò : the woman
- (b) add the word nin after the noun:
- cɛ̌ nin : the man
- mùso nin : the woman
- If the noun had a pluralizing -w at the end, add it to the nin instead of the noun:
- kàràmɔgɔ ninw : the teachers
- If the noun has an adjective, add the article after the adjective:
- kàràmɔgɔ kɔ̀rɔ nin : the old teacher