Indefinite Pronouns 2

  - dɔni : little (amount of)

  - dɔni dɔni : very little (amount of)

    - Den ninw bɛ ji dɔni mǐn. : The children drink a little (bit of) water.

    - N bɛ dɔni mǐn. : I drink a little.

    - N bɛ julakan fɔ dɔni dɔni. : I speak very little Jula.

  - si : no amount

    - Karamɔgɔ si sìgi. : No teacher sits.

    - Den ninw bɛ ji si mǐn : The children drink no water.

  - The word si can also be a double negative. If you're familiar with Bambara/Jula greetings, you may have learned Tɔɔrɔ si tɛ., literally "Trouble none not", meaning "No troubles".

  - foyi / fosi : nothing

    - The words foyi and fosi go with the negative marker which is the negative equivalent of . (More on later.)

    - Fosi tɛ yan. : Nothing not here. (Which means "Nothing here.")

    - À tɛ foyi mǐn. : He doesn't drink nothing. ("He doesn't drink anything.")

    - (So maybe foyi / fosi can almost be thought of as "at all".)

    - You can add a phrase ending with to make the phrase "...nothing but ___.":

      - Ǔ tɛ foyi mǐn ji kɔ. : They drink nothing but water.