- There are three ways to turn a statement into a question:
- (1) Simply change the period into a question mark and keep everything else the same:
- Karamɔgɔ nin ye fìla gafe sàn ? : Did the teacher buy two books?
- Òlu dɔ̀n ? : Do they dance?
- (2) Add the word wa to the end of a sentence:
- Karamɔgɔ nin ye fìla gafe sàn wa ? : Did the teacher buy two books?
- Òlu dɔ̀n wa ? : Do they dance?
- (3) Add the word kori to the beginning:
- Kori Karamɔgɔ nin ye fìla gafe sàn ? : Did the teacher buy two books?
- Kori Òlu dɔ̀n ? : Do they dance?