- nɛgɛ kanɲɛ : hour
- In an earlier lesson, the word kà se was translated as "to be able to", but it also means "to arrive" or "to reach".
- kà se : to be able to, reach, arrive
- Nɛgɛ kanɲɛ ... sera. : The hour reached ___. (It is ___ o'clock.)
- Nɛgɛ kanɲɛ fila sera. : It is two o'clock.
- Waati jumɛn b'i bolo ? : It has which time? (What time is it?)
- You can also say the time as just ... sera :
- Fila sera. : Two o'clock.
- Many people also may use French numbers for expressing time. :
- Nɛgɛ kanɲɛ deux sera. : It is two o'clock.
- Deux heures et demie sera. : 2:30 .